Civil Engineering

Tamdown provides a range of essential civil engineering and infrastructure solutions to the UK housebuilding sector.
These services include earthworks, building highways, substructures and basements and installing sustainable drainage systems.
We have a well-established market position, having been in operation for over 45 years.
It is particularly recognised for its experience and capabilities in the safe delivery of large, complex, multi-phase developments. It has a strong brand and a loyal customer base.
Tamdown provides a range of essential civil engineering and infrastructure solutions to the UK housebuilding sector. These services include earthworks, building highways, substructures and basements, and installing sustainable drainage systems. It has an established market-leading position having been in operation for over 45 years. It is particularly recognised for its experience and capabilities in the safe delivery of large, complex, multi-phase developments. It has a strong brand and a loyal customer base.
Tamdown’s performance in Health & Safety was again recognised by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), receiving a Gold Award for the 14th consecutive year. Tamdown was also awarded the RoSPA President’s Award. A Behavioural Safety programme was rolled out across the business and this, along with a number of other initiatives, was used to proactively protect the health and safety of our site and office personnel and all those working at or visiting our facilities. Tamdown’s Accident Incidence Rate (AIR) for the year was 122 (2022: 369). By comparison, the Health and Safety Executive’s figures, published in November 2023, state that the equivalent average for the UK construction industry overall in 2022/23 was 296.
During the first half the year, Tamdown won work from several customers, leveraging its strong relationships and reputation for quality delivery. However, in the second half, the major housebuilders experienced a material decline in new house sales and, as a result, significantly reduced the award of new projects. As noted above, there were several high-profile ‘casualties’ during the year, including the modular housebuilder, ilke Homes which entered into administration and thereafter was formally liquidated with unpaid debts in excess of £300m. Tamdown had been working on two projects for ilke Homes and, as an unsecured creditor, debts of £2.9m went unpaid, impacting Tamdown’s profits and cash collection. There were further impacts due to the removal of work in progress and the future expected revenues listed in the order book.
Tamdown’s order book was £46.0m (2022: £95.5m) at the year-end but, following the award of a number of new projects post period-end, the order book by the end of January 2024 had grown by 24% to £57.2m.
At the end of FY23, we implemented a restructuring of our organisation to reduce costs and to position the business for recovery when the inevitable market upturn takes place. We have maintained our reputation and relationships with our supply chain, this loyalty is in line with our values and we expect will be returned in-kind as we return to growth.
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